Georgia Forestry Commission Loblolly Seed Collection Technique
The Georgia Forestry Commission successfully collected Loblolly seed from approximately 50% of its Loblolly seed orchards in 1973 using polypropylene fabric. Conventional cone collection methods were used as a check on the other 50 percent. The Georgia Forestry Commission Loblolly seed were first harvested by means of a high ultraviolet resistant fabric, polypropylene, in 1971. This pilot project involved laying the fabric completely over two acres of seed orchard to catch the Loblolly seed after being dislodged by the tree shaker. Due to the poor cone crop in 1972, sufficient seed were not available to work out the various techniques needed for a normal operation. However, we determined the project was successful enough for operational scale. By the Spring of 1973, enough fabric had been acquired to cover 48 acres for 1973 harvest. We have passed through two seed collection seasons. The steps involved in our seed collection has changed very little, although modifications have been made in various degrees.
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Author(s): Terrell L. Brooks
Eastern Session- Southeastern Nurserymen's Conferences
1974 - Gainesville, Florida