Cutting Costs In Nursery Operations (Georgia Forestry Commission)
One way to de-emphasize costs is to increase the price of your product-- seedlings, and hope you can sell them. As I stated at the last Conference, Reforestation is governed by the optimism of the investor. In our case, the investor speculates on the demand for a finished forest product 20-40 years in the future, or the demand for a forestry related land use. Certain lands in these inflationary times appear to be a commodity to be sold and not owned or held for any length of game. The loser in the game being the last buyer before a land market bust. One inflated real estate deal in a rural area can upset land prices, taxes and public opinion for miles around. This directly affects reforestation.
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Author(s): James C. Wynens
Eastern Session- Southeastern Nurserymen's Conferences
1974 - Gainesville, Florida