Cutting Costs In Nursery Operations
Six years ago, at the Nurseryman's Conference in Stone Mountain, Georgia, I was asked to speak for a few minutes on Cost reduction in nursery operations. Here I am today talking on the same subject to just about the same group. As I look around I see a few new faces but most of us have been at this for a pretty good while. So, I figure whoever planned this program thought that I either am smarter now than I was six years ago or I didn't tell all I knew then. Unfortunately, neither is the case; I don't know much more now than I did then, and I wasn't keeping any secrets in 1968. But we are living in an era of change and nothing is changing faster than the economic situation. I guess you might call this the age of inflation, and I suppose you could say that the answer to "cutting cost in nursery operations" is simple; there ain't no way. It seems right foolish to talk about cost cutting so I think we might more reasonably discuss some aspects of holding increases to a minimum. Consider a few points.
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Author(s): John G. Hamner
Eastern Session- Southeastern Nurserymen's Conferences
1974 - Gainesville, Florida