Cost Cutting Practices At S.C. Nurseries
At our nurseries in South Carolina we are concerned with growing the best quality seedlings at the lowest possible cost. I am sure that every nurseryman here has this same objective. The importance of providing seedlings, particularly to the small private landowners, cannot be overlooked. We know that we will need to grow more timber on all forest lands if we are going to meet future timber demands. Good quality, low cost seedlings should help a landowner make up his mind to get his land in maximum timber production. I am not going to report on any one major thing we are doing at our nurseries to cut costs but will mention several things that have helped us keep our seedling prices as low as possible. These are practices that will not apply to all nurseries but perhaps will be of interest and help to some of you.
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Author(s): C. R. Nichols
Eastern Session- Southeastern Nurserymen's Conferences
1974 - Gainesville, Florida