Containerized Seedlings, U.S.F.S., Stuart Project
The U.S. Forest Service, Southern Region, has been growing containerized seedlings since 1969, on the Kistachie National Forest. Thus far, at the Stuart Project near Pollock, Louisiana, we have produced 1.5 million seedlings for shipment to areas from east Texas to Florida to the coast of North Carolina. The major effort has been devoted to growing southern pine species although we have grown some oak, yellow-poplar, and black walnut seedlings. The objective has not been to produce seedlings on a massive scale but, rather to conduct what we called a pilot project. Initially we wanted to know if southern pine containerized seedlings could be grown in the south and to develop a mechanized system of producing and planting containerized stock.
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Author(s): James E. Gates
Western Session- Southeastern Nurserymen's Conferences
1974 - Nacogdoches, Texas