Growing The Improved Seedling
This group is distinguished as leading in the field of ecology. There are thousands of years experience related and dedicated to the preservation of our natural resources seated here in this room. You have worked for years doing the things the average person only now is beginning to realize has to be done. How many forested acres have their accountability beginning right here? Millions . How can this effort be improved. Just what is an improved seedling? Is it a seedling that will make a stick of pulpwood in ten years? Does it evolve into a log tree with little or no branches? Can it be used for beautification? Will it grow under a canopy of polluted air? All of these are a definite need and I think we will one day be called upon to fill the bill for them all. So, a superior tree or seedling is one that will meet the needs and requirements of the future.
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Author(s): Clyde L. Gehron
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1972
Southeastern Nurserymen's Conference Proceedings
1972 - Greenville, Mississippi