Proceedings of the 1968 Biennial Meeting Western Forest Nursery Council
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Introduction and Business Meeting
List of Participants
Identifying Seed Research Needs
- Author(s): William I. Stein
Standard Seed Testing Procedures, Oregon State University Seed Testing Laboratory
Seed Origin Studies, Noble-California Red Fir Species Complex
- Author(s): Jerry F. Franklin
Activities of Western Forest Tree Seed Council and Northwest Forest Tree Seed Certifiers, Inc.
- Author(s): Donald R. Hopkins
Equipment Development Progress Report, Mechanical Tree Lifting
- Author(s): Roland M. Stoleson
Tree Lifting Machine Developed by State of Oregon
- Author(s): Carl Smith
Development of Weyerhaeuser Nurseries
- Author(s): Peter G. Belluschi
Automatic Irrigation Systems
- Author(s): Lee Bean
Studies of Water Stress in Bare-Rooted 2+1 Douglas-fir Using the Scholander Pressure Bomb
- Author(s): Jack K. Winjum
Moisture-Stress-Plot Evaluation of Nursery Stock Survival and Growth Potential
- Author(s): Raymond J. Boyd
Effect of Organic Amendments on Soil Microflora in Relation to Fusarium Root Rot of Ponderosa Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): K. C. Lu
Effects of Micro-Nutrient Elements on Forest Nursery Seedlings
- Author(s): Harry W. Anderson
Douglas-Fir Nursery Stock Survival by Age Class
- Author(s): James W. Edgren
Field Planting of Hemlock in Jiffy-7 Pots
- Author(s): J. M. Finnis
Meeting Nursery Production Objectives
- Author(s): Boyd C. Wilson
Animal Repellents--Effects on Soils, Trees, and Tree Storage
- Author(s): M. A. Radwan
Present and Potential Uses of Growth Regulatory Substances in Douglas-Fir
- Author(s): Joe B. Zaerr, Denis P. Lavender
Appendix A. Suggested Seed Research Topics
Appendix B. Oregon Forest Tree Seed Certification Standards