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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1966 What the Planter Expects in the Way of Seedling Quality

What the Planter Expects in the Way of Seedling Quality

Thank you for the invitation to be on this program. It gives me an opportunity to publicly express my appreciation to tree nurserymen. Through their production of high quality seedlings, they've kept theY-LT Project in business for over 15 years. I doubt if the general public, in fact I doubt if many of our own Forest Service people, have much idea of the many trials and tribulations which beset you men almost every day in producing those grades 1 and 2 seedlings that the field accepts so casually.

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Author(s): V. B. MacNaughton

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1966

Event: Southeastern Area Forest Nurserymen Conference
1966 - Hot Springs, AR