Frost Damage In A Conifer Nursery
Frost can damage nursery stock from only slightly to complete loss. Some seed sources as well as species are more susceptible to frost damage. Seedlings from seed of the same species that is collected on a ranger district from different elevations may have different frost hardiness. Frost damage may occur either fail or spring. At Wind River east side douglas fir rarely ever is damaged in the fall.; however, because of the early bud burst it may be severely damaged in the spring. Southern Oregon coast sources are late to harden off and because of this can be severely damaged in the fall. What can the nurseryman do to help control frost damage? What practices can he initiate? What must he know about weather conditions at his nursery?
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Author(s): Forrest W. Deffenbacher
Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Western Forest Nursery Council Meeting
1966 - Placerville, California