RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Foliage Disease Control

The major need in the development of any control program is information. What information do we need and why do we need it? If we have a foliage disease problem, have determined what fungus is responsible, and have decided to control this disease by a fungicide spray, we are faced with two main questions, First, what do we spray? Second, when do we spray? Answers to these rather simple questions require a great deal of information. What information must we have in order to select the proper fungicide? We moat knew (1) what fungicides are available, (2) which of these are most effective against the casual fungus, and (3 which are not harmful (phytotoxic) to the host seedlings. Often we must draw heavily on fungicide information from general agriculture to help in the selection, Even then we often lack a portion of the :information, required for a definite answer. In this case, unless an emergency situation exists, some field testing is usually required before the program can be developed further.

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Author(s): Richard S. Smith

Event: Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Western Forest Nursery Council Meeting
1966 - Placerville, California