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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1964 Intensive Soil Management vs. Fumigation in the Control of Weeds

Intensive Soil Management vs. Fumigation in the Control of Weeds

At the Bend Nursery, we have settled on a "semi-organic" farming program using the addition of organic matter in the form of pine planer chips, rye, and oats cover crops. Commercial fertilizers are used to assist the organisms decomposing the cellulose. Our disease problems have been greatly decreased and through a program of controlling weeds before they go to seed, our weed problems have been reduced. Through the use of additions of organic matter, our soil is cooler during the summer with better aeration and the water-holding capacity is greatly increased. We do mechanical weeding which also serves to cultivate the soil between the tree rows.

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Author(s): Charles A. Bigelow

Event: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Western Nurserymen's Meeting
1964 - Boise, Idaho