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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1964 Insects of Hardwood Nurseries

Insects of Hardwood Nurseries

The chief insect pests of hardwood nurseries can be divided into two general groups--those that are common to all nurseries and those that are more or less specific to certain hardwood hosts. The first group includes subterranean insects, sucking insects, and those that feed on the foliage, stems, and buds. The second group is divided by host species into those attacking cottonwood, oaks, sweetgum, sycamore, and ash. The discussion will not include insect pests of hardwood plantations; i.e., the scale insects, gall makers, twig girdlers, and large borers which may damage trees after their first year.

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Author(s): Robert C. Morris

Event: Proceedings Region 8 Forest Nurserymen's Conferences
1964 - Morganton, N.C. & Oklahoma City, Okla.