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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1964 Hardwood Seed Collection and Handling

Hardwood Seed Collection and Handling

The cost of seed is such a small part of the total cost of growing trees that sound economics dictates it is better to pay more for good seed of known origin and quality! When purchasing seed, the advertisement should specify collection areas, when collection can begin, species needs, etc. Where practicable, there should be a reciprocal agreement between State and Federal Agencies for seed in case either agency ran out of seed. If you do not or can not collect all of your seed needs, it is desirable to have a contract with a seed company or a private collector to supply your additional seed needs from specified areas and specified stands. We'll not attempt to go into the matter of specifications for selecting seed production areas and establishment of seed orchards at this time; however, this should be our ultimate goal for the production of hardwood seed, as well as coniferous seed. I'll be more specific a little later and talk about the collection and handling of hardwood seed. Our information on handling of hardwood seed is rather limited, but we can discuss and use what we do know about this subject for various species.

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Author(s): LeRoy Jones

Event: Proceedings Region 8 Forest Nurserymen's Conferences
1964 - Morganton, N.C. & Oklahoma City, Okla.