Chapter 22: Nursery storage to Planting Hole - A Seedling's Hazardous Journey
The nursery environment can be heavily manipulated by nursery personnel, but the field environment into which seedlings are outplanted is less controllable and more diverse. Therefore, nursery manager and customer must work hand in hand to promote careful seedling processing and handling to ensure plantation success. Once lifted, the extremely vulnerable seedlings must be protected from temperatures above 2°C, freezing, relative humidities below 90%, plant moisture stress above 5 bars, and rough handling. Any damage incurred has a cumulative effect on seedling vigor. Seedlings must be shipped in containers that maintain proper environmental conditions and protect them from physical abuse; kraft/polyethylene bags are the most satisfactory container currently in use. Refrigerated vans with racks that allow air to circulate and heat to dissipate are the most dependable, troublefree shipping vehicle.
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Author(s): James W. Edgren
Publication: Nursery Manuals - Forest Nursery Manual—Bareroot