Chapter 19: Pest Management in Northwest Bareroot Nurseries
A survey of Northwest bareroot nurseries revealed that root rots (Macrophomina, Fusarium, and Phytophthora) and Sirococcus blight are the ma]or diseases, that the cranberry girdler (Chrysoteuchia topiaria) and various aphids are the most Important insect pests, and that numerous rodents and seed-eating birds are frequent animal pests. Many site features affect both pest occurrence and successful management. However, the types of pestmanagement practices used depend upon factors including the availability of advice from pest-management specialists, the use of surveys, and numerous cultural practices. Nontarget effects of pesticides are also of concern. More Information is needed on many aspects of pest management so that nursery managers can grow better seedlings.
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Author(s): Jack R. Sutherland
Publication: Nursery Manuals - Forest Nursery Manual—Bareroot