Chapter 3 - Sexual Reproduction
The tree breeder must know typical or normal processes of flower and seed production so that he can understand variations in them. Exceptions to general rules may be serious limiting factors, or, conversely, the means whereby new approaches to solution of certain problems can be developed. For example, the southern pines in a natural forest are usually cross-pollinated and they are generally good seed producers. Certain trees, however, may be self-fertile, and the families of progeny may show either reduced vigor, no change in vigor, or increased vigor. Thus, in certain seed orchard clones the factor of self-ability might be a serious defect if low-vigor offspring were produced. On the other hand, if the selfed offspring were highly vigorous, the clone would be very desirable for seed orchards, and furthermore, it might prove valuable as breeding stock because a mating scheme involving selfing may be the most efficient method for solving certain breeding problems.
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Author(s): Keith W. Dorman
Publication: The Genetics and Breeding of Southern Pines - Part II. Physiology