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Home Publications Forest Regeneration Manual Chapter 7 - Container Seedlings

Chapter 7 - Container Seedlings

Container southern pine seedlings offer an alternative to bareroot stock, especially when short production times are required, the planting season is to be extended, or adverse sites are to be planted. Acceptable container seedlings can be produced under various degrees of environmental control and in several container types. However, seedling quality depends on the quality of the seeds sown and proper use and timing of cultural practices, especially sowing techniques, growing-medium moisture, and seedling nutrition. Shoot and root morphology can be controlled when seedlings are grown in containers to produce stock of desired characteristics for outplanting under specified conditions. Handling and planting methods used with container southern pines depend on the time of year and physiological condition of the seedlings.

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Author(s): John C. Brissette, James P. Barnett, Thomas D. Landis

Publication: Forest Regeneration Manual