2010 Winter Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature
Seedling Physiology and Morphology
Tsakaldimi, M., Tsitsoni, T., Ganatsas, P., and Zagas, T. Plant and Soil 324:103-113. 2009.
Sogaard, G., Granhus, A., and Johnsen, O. Trees 23:1295 - 1307. 2009.
Reubens, R., Pannemans, B., Danjon, F., and De Proft, M. Trees 23:1213-1228. 2009.
Yin, C. Pang X. and Chen, K. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67:196-203. 2009.
Hernandez, E. I., Vilagrosa, A., Luis, V. C., and Llorca, M. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67:269-276. 2009.
Gould, P. J. and Harringon, C. A. Tree Planters' Notes 53(2):22-28. 2009.
del Campo, A. D., Navarro, R. M., and Ceacero, C. J. New Forests 39:19- 37. 2010.
Howard, A. R. and Donovan, L. A. Tree Physiology 30:23-31. 2009.
Stiller, V. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67:164-171. 2009.
Kalcsits, L. A., Silim, S., and Tanino, K. Trees 23:971-979. 2009.
Soil Management & Growing Media
Jackson, B. E. and Wright, R. D. International Plant Propagators' Society, combined proceedings, 2008, 58:587-592. 2009.
Lazcano, C., Arnold, J., Tato, A., Zaller, J. G., and Dominguez, J. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 7(4):944-951. 2009.
Marble, S. C., Gilliam, C. H., Sibley, J. L., and Fain, G. B. International Plant Propagators' Society, combined proceedings, 2008, 58:524-532. 2009.
Jackson, B. E., Wright, R. D., and Gruda, N. HortScience 44(7):1983-1987. 2009.
K. Dawson, C. International Plant Propagators' Society, combined proceedings, 2008, 58:435-439. 2009.
Olszewski, M. W, Trego, T. A., and Kuper, R. Compost Science and Utilization 17(3):151- 157. 2009.
Heng, L. K. International Atomic Energy Agency, Training Course Series No. 30. 131 p. 2008.
Hsieh, Y. P., Grant, K. T., and Bugna, G. C. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 64(6):374-382. 2009.
Bilderback, T. International Plant Propagators' Society, combined proceedings, 2008, 58:129-131. 2009.
Jackson, B. E., Wright, R. D., and Barnes, M. C. HortScience 45(l):103-112. 2010.