Evaluation of a Model Based on Reference Crop Evapotranspiration (ETO) for Precision Irrigation Using Overhead Sprinklers During Nursery Production of Lingustrum Japonica
White, S., Owen, J., and Wilson, C. Digger Farwest Edition 52(8):109-112, 114-115. 2008.
A model for automated precision irrigation of Ligustrum japonica developed from lysimeter data collected in 2001-2002 was used to produce market size plants in 11.4 L black polyethylene containers. The model calculated daily irrigation rates based on the previous day ET0 and a water needs index (WNI- a crop coefficientlike value derived from percent canopy closure). Percent canopy closure was calculated by squaring average canopy width and dividing by allocated plant area then multiplying by 100. Average canopy width was determined manually and input every 3 weeks during production. Plant allocated area was increased once. ET o was calculated using instrumentation of a standard weather station connected to the irrigation controlling data logger. Plant growth and irrigation applications were compared to those of plants whose irrigation frequency and volume were adjusted manually to approximate 1800 mm of overhead irrigation annually. Each irrigation regime was replicated 4 times.
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Author(s): Richard C. Beeson, Jr., J. Brooks
Section: Water Management and Irrigation