2009 Summer Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature
Diverse Species
Ridout, M. E. and Tripepi, R. R.Native Plants Journal 10(2):80-89. 2009.
Herriman, K. R., Davis, A. S., and Dumroese, R. K. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Proceedings RMRS-P-58. p.44-47. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Association - 2008. 2009.
Ackerman, R. American Nurseryman 209(2):32-36. 2009.
Shock, C., Feibert, E. B. G., and Saunders, L. D. HortScience 44(4):1183. 2009.
Zeiter, M. and Stampfli, A. Journal of Vegetation Science 19:821-830. 2008.
Tucker, L. Plants at work: growing the living market, March 2009, p. 24-26. 2009.
Jones, T. A., Parr, S. D., Winslow, S. R., and Rosales, M. A. Native Plants Journal 10(1):57-61. 2009.
Smith, F. S., Ocumpaugh, W. R., Maywald, P. D., and Lloyd-Reilley, J. Native Plants Journal 10(1):43-47. 2009.
Rawlins, J. K., Anderson, V. J., Johnson, R., and Krebs, T. Native Plants Journal 10(1):32-42. 2009.
Gettys, L. A. and Dumroese, R. K. Native Plants Journal 10(1):4-12. 2009.
Terrell, B. and Fennell, A. Native Plants Journal 10(2):110-118. 2009.
Shebitz, D. J., Ewing, K., and Gutierrez, J. Native Plants Journal 10(1):13-20. 2009.
Curtis, M. J. and Claassen, V. P. Restoration Ecology 17 (1):24-32. 2009.
Gibson, D. J., Delong, M., Chandy, S., and Honu, Y. A. K. Applied Vegetation Science 12:316-327. 2009.
Layman, R. M., Day, S., and Harris, J. R. HortScience 44(4):1033. 2009.
Gonzalo-Turpin, H., Couix, N., and Hazard, L. Ecology and Society 13(2):53-64. 2008.
Wang, A.-Q., Wu, L.-H., and Liu, T.-T. Ecological Engineering 35:1079-1084. 2009.
Mallik, A. U. and Karim, M. N. Applied Vegetation Science 11:547-554. 2008.
Bujarska-Borkowska, B. Dendrobiology 60:51-56. 2008.
Smith, A. and Kratsch, H. HortScience 44(4):1139. 2009.