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Home Publications Forest Nursery Notes 2009 Summer Forest Nursery Notes 2009 Summer Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature
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2009 Summer Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature

Outplanting Performance

Root Dip Treatments Affect Fungal Growth in vitro and Survival of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)

Starkey, T. E. and South, D. B. Tree Planters' Notes 53 (1):37-42. 2009.

Root-Collar Diameter and Third-Year Survival of Three Bottomland Hardwoods Planted on Former Agricultural Fields in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley

Gardiner, E. S., Jacobs, D. F., Overton, R. P., and Her­nandez, G. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Re­search Station, Proceedings RMRS-P-58. p.85-89. Na­tional Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Association - 2008. 2009.

© Site preparation, stock quality and planting date effect on early establishment of Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) seedlings

Palacios, G., Navarro Cer­rillo, R. M., del Campo, A., and Toral, M. Ecological Engineering 35:38-46. 2009.

© Soil-water content and air-filled porosity af­fect height growth of Scots pine in afforested arable land in Finland

Wall, A. and Heiskanen, J. Forest Ecology and Management 257:1751-1756. 2009.

© Tenth-year survival and size of underplanted seedlings in the Oregon Coast Range

Cole, E. and Newton, M. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:580-595. 2009.

Pest Management

The affect of Pythium spp. and cold storage on the survival of longleaf pine seedlings after outplant­ing (ABSTRACT)

Jackson, D., Enebak, S. A. , and South, D. B. Phytopathology 99:S199. 2009.

Analysis of the distribution of Phytophthora cin­namomi in soil at a disease site in Western Australia using nested PCR

Williams, N., St. J. Hardy, G. E., and O'Brien, P. A. Forest Pathology 39:95-109. 2008.

Biocontrol agents can provide 'green' disease control

Chase, A. R. Greenhouse Management and Production 29(1):26-28, 30-31. 2009.

Chemical alternatives to methyl bromide for control of Fusarium spp. in conifer nurseries (ABSTRACT)

Leon, A. L., Edmonds, R., Glawe, D., Littke, W., and Zabowski, D. Phytopathology 99:S71. 2009.

Control of forest nursery seedling diseases of Pinus spp. with Proline 480 SC (ABSTRACT)

Starkey, T. E. and Enebok, S. A. Phytopathology 99:S200. 2009.

Controlling rodents

Bubl, C. OAN Digger 53 (5):37-41. 2009.

© Disease risk of potting media infested with Phytophthora ramorum under nursery conditions

Tjosvold, S. A., Chambers, D. L., Fichtner, E. J., Koike, S. T., and Mori, S. R. Plant Disease 93:371-376. 2009.