2009 Summer Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature
Outplanting Performance
Starkey, T. E. and South, D. B. Tree Planters' Notes 53 (1):37-42. 2009.
Gardiner, E. S., Jacobs, D. F., Overton, R. P., and Hernandez, G. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Proceedings RMRS-P-58. p.85-89. National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Association - 2008. 2009.
Willoughby, I., Stokes, V., and Kerr, G. Forestry 82(2):199-210. 2009.
Palacios, G., Navarro Cerrillo, R. M., del Campo, A., and Toral, M. Ecological Engineering 35:38-46. 2009.
Wall, A. and Heiskanen, J. Forest Ecology and Management 257:1751-1756. 2009.
Oester, P. T. Tree Planters' Notes 53(1):29-36. 2009.
Cole, E. and Newton, M. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:580-595. 2009.
Kankaanhuhta, V., Saksa, T., and Smolander, H. Silvae Fennica 43(2):51-70. 2009.
Pest Management
Jackson, D., Enebak, S. A. , and South, D. B. Phytopathology 99:S199. 2009.
Williams, N., St. J. Hardy, G. E., and O'Brien, P. A. Forest Pathology 39:95-109. 2008.
Chase, A. R. Greenhouse Management and Production 29(1):26-28, 30-31. 2009.
Leon, A. L., Edmonds, R., Glawe, D., Littke, W., and Zabowski, D. Phytopathology 99:S71. 2009.
Slusarski, C. and Pietr, S. J. Crop Protection 28:668-674. 2009.
James, R. L. Tree Planters' Notes 53(1):23-28. 2009.
Starkey, T. E. and Enebok, S. A. Phytopathology 99:S200. 2009.
Bubl, C. OAN Digger 53 (5):37-41. 2009.
Steddom, K. Phytopathology 99:S124. 2009.
Tjosvold, S. A., Chambers, D. L., Fichtner, E. J., Koike, S. T., and Mori, S. R. Plant Disease 93:371-376. 2009.
Martin, F. N., Coffey, M. D., Zeller, K., and Hamelin, R. C. Phytopathology 99:390-403. 2009.
Matheron, M. E. and Porchas, M. Plant Disease 93:43-50. 2009.