RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Irrigation Management

We are currently in a cycle being referred to as a 1- in 100-year drought, with below average rainfall being experienced in a large portion of the Australian continent for the last 5 years. As primary producers we are going to be under increasing pressure to ensure that our application techniques and use of water in producing our crops is achieving best practise and undergoing constant continuous improvement. Otherwise we will face the prospect of justifying how we can access water and conduct our business in irrigated cropping. Under the current water restrictions, which are gripping a large part of Australia, this is also important in demonstrating to the community surrounding our business that we are efficient in managing our water. A large proportion of water being applied on ornamental pot plant production and horticulture is still applied by conventional overhead sprinklers.

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Author(s): James D. Bunker