Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Root Growth Potential, and Stomatal Conductance as Estimates of Field Performance Potential in Conifer Seedlings
L'Hirondelle, S. J., Simpson, D. G., and Binder, W. D. New Forests 34:235-251. 2007.
After cold storage, conifer seedlings in British Columbia are tested for field growth potential before planting. We compared three tests of performance potential using container-grown seedlings of Douglas-fir, interior spruce, lodgepole pine, and western larch (14 seedlots total). On several autumn dates, seedlings were lifted and stored at —2°C. The following spring we tested stored seedlings for root growth potential (RGP), chlorophyll fluorescence (CF), and stomatal conductance (Gs), and then planted seedlings in nursery beds. We assessed survival and shoot dry weight (SDW) after one growing season.
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Author(s): Sylvia J. L'Hirondelle, David G. Simpson, Wolfgang D. Binder
Section: Seedling Physiology and Morphology
* This publication is copyrighted.