RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

A New Substrate for Container-Grown Plants: Clean Chip Residual

Boyer, C. R., Gilliam, C. H., Sibley, J. L., and Fain, G. B. International Plant Propagators' Society, combined proceedings 2006, 56:553-559. 2007.

Clean Chip Residual (CCR) is a potential new nursery substrate that is a forestry by-product composed of approximately 50% wood, 40% bark, and 10% needles. This study evaluated CCR as a growth substrate for container-grown nursery crops. Two perennial species were grown in one of eight substrates (100% bark from two sources, two screen sizes of CCR, and the same treatments combined with 20% peat) along with standard nursery amendments. Species tested included Buddleja ‘Pink Delight’ and Verbena ‘Homestead Purple’. Growth of these species in CCR was, in general, similar to plants grown in typical pine bark substrates. These results indicate that CCR has the potential to be a viable substrate option for the nursery industry.

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Author(s): C. R. Boyer, Charles H. Gilliam, J. L. Sibley, Glenn B. Fain

Section: Soil Management and Growing Media