2007 Winter Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature
Pest Management
James, R. L., Dudley, N. S., and Yeh, A. Native Plants Journal 7(3):315-323. 2006.
Soriano- Martin, M. L., Porras-Piedra, A., Goldaracena, I. M., and Porras-Soriano, A. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 4(3):207-212. 2006.
Stewart, J. E., Kim, M.-S., James, R. L., Dumroese, R. K., and Klopfenstein, N. B. Phytopathology 96:1124-1133. 2006.
Wainwright-Evans, S. American Nurseryman 204(11):19-22, 24. 2006. Highlights some recent developments such as nematodes for black vine weevils, ladybugs that won't leave, mite destroyers, beneficial thrips, predatory mites, new insecticides Safari, BotaniGard, TriCon, and Shuttle, and pheromones.
McNeill, M., Proffitt, J., and Phillips, C. International Plant Propagators' Society, combined proceedings 2005, 55:198-207. 2006.
Moltzan, B. D. IN: National proceedings: forest and conservation nursery associations 2005. Riley, L.E.; Dumroese, R.K.; Landis, T.D., technical coordinators. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Proceedings RMRS-P-43, p.141-142. 2006.
Oh, E., Hansen, E. M., and Sniezko, R. A. Forest Pathology 36(6):385-394. 2006.
Venette, R. C. and Cohen, S. D. Forest Ecology and Management 231(1-3):18-26. 2006.
Bronson, J. J. and Stanosz, G. R. Forest Pathology 36(4):271-279. 2006.
Kennedy, S., Cameron, A., Thoss, V., and Wilson, M. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 21 (4):340-344. 2006.
Porter, I., Mattner, S., Mann, R., and Gounder, R. Acta Horticulturae 708:187-192. 2006.
Unelius, C. R., Nordlander, G., Nordenhem, H., Hellqvist, C., Legrand, S., and Borg-Karlson, A.-K. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32 (10):2191-2203. 2006.
Witzell, J., Bernhold, A., and Hansson, P. Forest Pathology 36 (6):406-412. 2006.
Linderman, R. G. and Davis, E. A. HortTechnology 16(3):502-507. 2006.
Korolev, N., Katan, T., and Elad, Y. Phytopathology 96(11):1195-1203. 2006.
Scheuerell, S. J. and Mahaffee, W. F. Plant Disease 90 (9):1201-1208. 2006.
Losing, H. IN: Plant quality: a key to success in forest establishment, proceedings of the COFORD conference, 2005, p.21-23. 2006.
Mickelbart, M. V. and Beckerman, J. American Nurseryman 204(10):20-23. 2006.
Yoshimura, M. A. International Plant Propagators' Society, combined proceedings 2005, 55:459-461. 2006.
Cloyd, R. A. Greenhouse Management and Production 26(10):49-50, 52, 54. 2006. Gives details on Celero, Aria, Judo, Safari, TriCon, Overture.