Controlling Container Weeds
Altland, J. American Nurseryman 205(12):38-44. 2007.
Weed species common to container crops differ from those in field soils. In many regions of the US, species — like bittercress (Cardamine sp.), creeping woodsorrel (Oxalis comic-ulata), prostrate spurge (Chamaesyce maculata), pearlwort (Sagina procumbens), Northern willowherb (Epilobium ciliatum), common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) and liverwort(Marchantia polymorpha) — are common in nursery containers. There are some weed species in containers that are more regional, but the preceding species account for the majority of weed problems across the US.
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Author(s): James E. Altland
Section: Water Management and Irrigation