Evaluation of Experimental Chestnut Plantings in Eastern North America
Evaluations were made of chestnut plantations that were established over the last six decades in eastern North America. The plantings contain a variety of experimental materials, ranging from pure Castanea spp. to complex Castanea hybrids. Observations were made on survival, form and vigor in all plantations. Height and diameter growth were measured in selected tests. Survival was found to be poor, ca. < 20 percent, in most plantings. Height growth was generally found to be less variable than diameter growth. Cultural management practices appear to be important in plantation growth and survival. Trees were selected for eventual incorporation into chestnut breeding and disease research programs. Several plantings were identified that could be converted to seedling seed orchards for reforestation purposes.
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Author(s): M. C. Morton, Sandra Anagnostakis, Scott Schlarbaum
Publication: American Chestnut Proceedings - 1992