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Home Publications Forest Nursery Notes 2007 Summer Forest Nursery Notes 2007 Summer Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature
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2007 Summer Forest Nursery Notes - New Nursery Literature

Seedling Physiology and Morphology

The Impact of Shade on Morphology, Growth and Biomass Allocation in Picea sitchensis, Larix x eurolepis and Thuja plicata

Kennedy, S., Black, K., O'Reilly, C., and Dhubhain, A. N. New Forests 33:139-153. 2007.

Photosynthetic Potential of Laurel Oak Seedlings Following Canopy Manipulation

McLeon, K. W. and Burke, M. K. IN: Proceedings of the 12th biennial southern silvicultural research conference, p. 513-519. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-71. Kristina F. Connor, ed. 2004.

Stem Sinuosity of Loblolly Pine Seedlings as Influenced by Taproot Shape

Murphy, M. S. and Harrington, T. B. IN: Proceedings of the 12th biennial southern silvicultural research conference, p. 465-468. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-71. Kristina F. Connor, ed. 2004.

Stem Splitting and Cankering in Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir Seedlings

Haase, D., Khadduri, N., and Landis, T. Tree Planters' Notes 52(1):9-11. 2007.


Effect of Seed Coverings and Seed Pretreatments on the Germination Response of Alnus glutinosa and Betula pubescens Seeds

De Atrip, N. and O'Reilly, C. European Journal of Forest Research 126:271-278. 2007.

Effects of Different Pretreatments on Germination of Prunus serotina Seed Sources

Esen, D., Yildiz, 0., Sarginci, M., and Isik, K. Journal of Environmental Biology 28(1):99-104. 2007.

Effects of Some Pretreatments on Seed Germination of Nine Difference Drought-tolerant Shrubs

Olmez, Z., Gokturk, A., and Temel, F. Seed Science and Technology 35:75-87. 2007.

Germination and Dormancy of Seeds in Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench (Asteraceae)

Li, P., Wu, H., Geng, S., Wang, X., Lu, W., Yang, Y., Shultz, L. M., Tang, T., and Zhang, N. Seed Science and Technology 35:9-20. 2007.

Northern Red Oak From Acorns to Acorns in 8 Years or Less

Kormanik, P. P., Sung, S.-J. S., Kormanik, T., Tibbs, T., and Zarnoch, S. J. IN: Proceedings of the 12th biennial southern silvicultural research conference, p. 555-558. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-71. Kristina F. Connor, ed. 2004.

Nursery Soil Cover Influences Germination of Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondai Seeds

Yamaji, K. and Mori, S. Journal of Forest Research 11:467-470. 2006.

The Physiology and Biochemistry of Desiccating White Oak and Cherrybark Oak Acorns

Connor, K. F. and Sowa, S. IN: Proceedings of the 12th biennial southern silvicultural research conference, p. 473-477. USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-71. Kristina F. Connor, ed. 2004.

Reliability of Germination Testing Procedures and Germination Performance of Stored Eucalyptus camaldulensis Seed of Different Ages

Williams, E. R., Gunn, B. V. W., Solomon, D. J., and Doran, J. C. Seed Science and Technology 35:1-8. 2007.

Seed Quality for Conservation is Critically Affected by Pre-storage Factors

Probert, R., Adams, J., Coneybeer, J., Crawford, A., and Hay, F. Australian Journal of Botany 55:326-335. 2007.

Seedling Emergence in the Endangered Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. macrocarpa (Sm.) Ball in Southwest Spain

Juan, R., Pastor, J., Fernandez, I., and Diosdado, J. C. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 48(2):49-58. 2006.

Soil Management and Growing Media

Core Facts About Coir

Newman, J. Greenhouse Management and Production 27(2):57. 2007.

Effect of Soil Properties and Soil Disturbance on Frost Heaving of Mineral Soil: a Laboratory Experiment

de Chantal, M., Rita, H., Bergsten, U., Lofvenius, M. 0., and Grip, H. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36:2885-2893. 2007.

Effects of Associating a N-fixer Species to Monotypic Oak Plantations on the Quantity and Quality of Organic Matter in Minesoils

Chiti, T., Certini, G., Puglisi, A., Sanesi, G., Capperucci, A., and Forte, C. Geoderma 138:162-169. 2007.