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Home Resources Webinars 2021 Root Development Symposium Forest Seedling Root Development and Function for Reforestation and Restoration - Day 1

Forest Seedling Root Development and Function for Reforestation and Restoration - Day 1

2021 Root Development Symposium

October 19th

6:25 Root development and field establishment: effect of seedling qualitySteve Grossnickle, NurseryToForest Solutions, North Saanich, BC, Canada
39:45 Using the vacuum method to measure hydraulic conductance and vulnerability to cavitation of whole root systems of Douglas-fir seedlingsCarlos González Benecke, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
1:15:25 Unearthing the hidden world of roots: competition belowground in a young tropical tree plantationKatherine Sinacore, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama
1:43:35 Grass(stage) root movement to ensure future resilience of longleaf pine ecosystemsDouglas Aubrey, University of Georgia, Aiken, SC, USA

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