Mobile Applications
Current and future mobile applications developed by the RNGR team for the forest nursery community.

Cone Crop Report
Citizen Science for cone crop collection and reporting.

This app is intended to assist with creating tanks mixes for nursery fertigation practices. The app designer is Daniel Drummond (Southern Regional Extension Forestry) with the support of the USDA Forest Service Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources program ( If you notice any errors or have any suggestions for improving this app, please contact Daniel Drummond at
This app was created for to use as a helpful tool with nursery fertigation practices. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of fertilizer data and associated calculations. Nonetheless, it is the app user's responsibility to confirm that the information generated by this app is correct and that the overall nutrition regime is appropriate for his/her crop(s). The information reported about specific fertilizer products does not imply recommendations or endorsements for their use.