
NRCS plant guides and fact sheets for Great Basin Restoration
- Plant information
Nursery Associations in the United States
- Nurseries
Nursery Diseases of Western Conifers
Nursery Management - WSU Clark County Extension
- Nurseries
Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook
Plant Propagation
Plant information
This website is provide general information on propagation methods and topics including seeds, cuttings, division, grafting, layering, bulbs, corms, rhizomes, offsets, and runners.
Plants Database
Plant information
The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. Search for plant information using its common or scientific name. The profile for each species includes identifying characteristics, images, distribution, habitat, wildlife/ethnobotany uses, propagation protocols, references, and links.
PNW Tree Improvement Research Cooperative
- Genetics
Seed Zone Mapper
- Plant information Genetics
Silvics of North America (Conifers and Hardwoods)
- Plant information
Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative
- Nurseries
Stand Management Cooperative
- Reforestation
The Dendrome Project
- Genetics
The Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center
- Organizations
Tree Seed Centre - BC Ministry of Forests
- Seeds
Other technical information
Treesearch is an online system for accessing publications by research and development scientists in the USDA Forest Service. There are more than 50,000 publications in Treesearch making it the largest freely available collection of online forestry research in the world.
UI Center for Forest Nursery and Seedling Research
- Organizations
US EPA Phase-out of methyl bromide
USDA Forest Service MTDC program in Reforestation and Nurseries
- Nurseries Reforestation
Virtual Grower
- Nurseries