RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

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Home Resources Events Water Wise: Efficient Nursery Water Use

Water Wise: Efficient Nursery Water Use

8AM (Hawaii) / 10AM (Alaska) / 11AM (Pacific) / 12PM (Mountain) / 1PM (Central) / 2PM (Eastern)

  • Webinar
When August 19, 2020
Where Zoom
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Sarah White (Clean Water3 - Clemson University)

Watering plants is time-consuming, water-intensive, and sometimes difficult to know if you are getting it “just” right. This webinar will give tips for how you can water more efficiently, reduce water loss (and fertilizer loss), and safely reuse irrigation return water.

More information about this event…