RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

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Home Resources Events The Science, Practice & Art of Restoring Native Ecosystems

The Science, Practice & Art of Restoring Native Ecosystems

  • Conference
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Where East Lansing, MI
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The 2014 Science, Practice & Art of Restoring Native Ecosystems conference will focus on Field and Place Based Conservation – Applying Techniques That Work at the Community Level.

Field and Place Based Conservation
can make real and sustainable positive changes in our natural world. We must set the goals for our conservation actions by standards that are meaningful and significant to our local communities. Building our work around established social, cultural and economic goals makes caring for our natural resources a plan that’s easier to support, whether through time, dollars, votes, or goodwill. Furthermore, it’s by bringing together different people and multiple organizations in collaborative conservation at a local level that we facilitate the global adoption of community-based action, resulting in widespread improvement to lands and waters we all care about.
Through plenary talks, focused presentations and workshops, conference participants will gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of how effective Field and Place Based conservation is developed and implemented for measurable results. Topics addressing our theme will include: exploring the preservation-sustainable use continuum; managing for sense of place and measuring place attachment; and understanding the importance of natural sciences in conservation. In addition, presenters will speak on our usual, wide variety of stewardship issues.

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