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Home Resources Events Sustaining Oak Forests in the 21st Century through Science-based Management

Sustaining Oak Forests in the 21st Century through Science-based Management

  • Symposium
When to
Where Knoxville, TN
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This is the third symposium to continue technology transfer on state-of-the-art management and research for sustainability of the oak resource in the Central Hardwood Region. The symposium will be hosted by the University of Tennessee (UT), Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries. The 3 day symposium will include invited speakers and concurrent sessions. Issues addressed will include forest health, emerging economic markets, silviculture for climate change, managing for oak regeneration, oak decline, and prescribed burning in oak forests. A field trip will be offered that showcases collaborative research between the UT Forest Resources AgResearch and Education Center, the UT Tree Improvement Program, and the Southern Research Station.

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