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Home Resources Events Seed Preparation Techniques to Maximize Germination in the Nursery

Seed Preparation Techniques to Maximize Germination in the Nursery

8AM (Hawaii) / 10AM (Alaska) / 11AM (Pacific) / 12PM (Mountain) / 1PM (Central) / 2PM (Eastern)

  • Webinar
When September 16, 2020
Where Zoom
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Nabil Khadduri (Washington Department of Natural Resources)

Looking to improve nursery germination? Seeing discrepancies between lab tests and actual germ in greenhouse and field production? This presentation will cover fundamental seed preparation techniques to maximize both germination capacity (total germ) and germ speed. Selected “advanced” techniques will also be discussed. The webinar focus is on conifers of the Pacific Northwest, with general applicability of most methods.

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