RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Past Events

Hawai'i Native Plant Growers' Meeting
Kīlauea, Hawaiʻi
February 3<sup>rd</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; February 4<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM, 2025
Forest Nursery Association of British Columbia 42nd Conference & Annual General Meeting
Vernon, BC
September 11<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; September 13<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
2024 Intertribal Nursery Council Conference
Grande Ronde, OR
September 10<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; September 12<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
2024 ICSGA & WFCNA Western Nursery Meeting
Wenatchee, WA
September 4<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; September 5<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
FarWest Hort Trade Show
Portland, OR
August 21<sup>st</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; August 23<sup>rd</sup>, 12:00 AM
2024 Joint Annual Meeting: Southern And Northeastern Forest And Conservation Nursery Associations
Little Rock, AR
July 22<sup>nd</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; July 25<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
2024 National Silviculture Workshop
Tacoma, WA
July 16<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; July 18<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
Cultivate'24 Hort Trade Show
Columbus, OH
July 13<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; July 16<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
Talk to Your Nursery: Tree Supply, Tree Quality, and Contract Growing
Microsoft Teams
June 12<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; 12:00 AM
Growing Pains: Scaling up the Reforestation Pipeline
Portland, OR
September 19<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; September 21<sup>st</sup>, 12:00 AM
Intermountain Container Seedling Growers' Association Meeting
Moscow, ID
September 6<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; September 7<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
Northern Hardwood Conference
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
August 1<sup>st</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; August 3<sup>rd</sup>, 12:00 AM
Joint Northeast and Southern Forest Nursery Association Annual Meeting
State College, PA
July 17<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; July 20<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
Forest Genetics 2023: Discovery and Innovation in Changing Climates
Vernon, BC
July 10<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; July 13<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
Tree Seed Summit
Eatonville, WA
June 21<sup>st</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; June 23<sup>rd</sup>, 12:00 AM
The Reforestation Pipeline in the Western United States
Missoula, MT
September 27<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; September 29<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
FNABC Annual Conference: Power of the Past - Force for the Future
Prince George, BC
September 27<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; September 29<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM
Joint Annual Meeting: Southern and Northeastern Forest Nursery Associations
Charleston, SC
July 18<sup>th</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; July 21<sup>st</sup>, 12:00 AM
2022 Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative (IETIC) Annual Meeting
Coeur d'Alene, ID
March 2<sup>nd</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; 12:00 AM
41st Annual Inland Empire Reforestation Council Meeting
Coeur d' Alene, ID
March 1<sup>st</sup>, 12:00 AM &ndash; 12:00 AM