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Home Resources Events ESZF Webinar: Eastern Seed Zones: What Have We Learned & Where Do We Go From Here?

ESZF Webinar: Eastern Seed Zones: What Have We Learned & Where Do We Go From Here?

In the final Eastern Seed Zone Forum (ESZF) webinar before the Eastern Seed Zone Summit (May 9-10 in Lexington, KY), Dr. Carrie Pike will provide a summation of the lectures and discussions from the previous 11 webinars and the efforts of the Eastern Seed Zone Forum Committee during 2017. This webinar will be especially important for forestry and natural resource professionals who plan to attend the Summit to aid the ESZF Committee in drawing up a draft of seed zones for the eastern United States.

  • Webinar
When March 28, 2018
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For the final Eastern Seed Zone Forum (ESZF) lecture and discussion hour, Dr. Carrie Pike, Regeneration Specialist for the Northeast Area, State and Private Forestry, USDA Forest Service will review lessons learned from the ESZF webinar series about developing seed zones for the eastern US and offer some examples of provisional seed zones.  She will also discuss the development of the upcoming Eastern Seed Zone Summit which is slated for Lexington Kentucky May 9-10 2018.

Interested forestry and natural resource professionals are encouraged to register for the Eastern Seed Zone Summit. For more details, click here.

To prepare for the Summit, prospective participants may wish to review ESZF's previous webinars, available On Demand by clicking here.

Dr. Carrie PikeAbout Dr. Carrie Pike

Dr. Carolyn “Carrie” Pike is a regeneration specialist for the US Forest Service Northeastern Area’s Forest Management Program. She has extensive experience with tree breeding, conducting applied research, and with establishing and analyzing common garden studies. Her primary duties are delivering technical assistance to State nurseries in the Northeast and Midwest, and providing advice on genetics and restoration programs nationwide through the Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources program.

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