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Home Resources Events Considering the Fall Planting Option: A Biological Perspective to Support A Successful Outcome

Considering the Fall Planting Option: A Biological Perspective to Support A Successful Outcome

8AM (Hawaii) / 10AM (Alaska) / 11AM (Pacific) / 12PM (Mountain) / 1PM (Central) / 2PM (Eastern)

  • Webinar
When August 05, 2020
Where Zoom
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Steve Grossnickle (NurseryToForest Solutions) and Joanne E. MacDonald (Natural Resources Canada)

There is an opportunity to utilize the fall planting window to expand options for reforestation programs. In considering this planting window, one must understand the physiological status of seedlings to be utilized in this program. Nursery cultural practices that harden seedlings can be used to initiate the development of dormancy so that seedlings to be outplanted in the fall planting window have developed drought resistance and freezing tolerance, while still having the capability to grow roots. Potential field site environmental conditions need to be monitored so seedlings are not planted into a site where the potential for drought or severe frost can exacerbate planting stress. An option for a lift/store into a spring planting program needs to be considered if field site conditions do not provide suitable outplanting conditions. This understanding of the biological capabilities of seedlings in combination with an understanding of potential field site conditions will allow foresters to balance benefits as well as risks in implementing a fall planting program.

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