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Home Resources Events Challenges to the Reforestation Pipeline in the Southwestern US: From Seed to Nursery to Outplanting

Challenges to the Reforestation Pipeline in the Southwestern US: From Seed to Nursery to Outplanting

8AM (Hawaii) / 10AM (Alaska) / 11AM (Pacific) / 12PM (Mountain) / 1PM (Central) / 2PM (Eastern)

  • Webinar
When September 09, 2020
Where Zoom
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Owen Burney (New Mexico State University)


In the southwestern US, there is a growing interest and need to restore disturbed landscapes such as post-fire environments. However, the understanding and application of the reforestation/restoration pipeline is often neglected. This oversight can result in planting failures or an inability to even establish projects. Thus, it is important to understand the connection among seed, nurseries, outplanting, and post-planting maintenance to properly develop a successful reforestation/restoration program.

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