RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

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Home Resources Events Atlantic White Cedar Symposium

Atlantic White Cedar Symposium

  • Symposium
When to
Where Suffolk, VA
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This triennial will address approaches used to characterize and/or monitor Atlantic White-Cedar (AWC) ecosystem hydrology, soils, biogeochemical cycling, nutrient fluxes, plant physiological ecology, biodiversity, genetics, pathology, wildlife biology, threatened and endangered species, fisheries and aquatic resources, silvicultural techniques, paleoecology, bird conservation, taxonomy, culture practices in nurseries and the field, regional issues, and ecological conservation/integrity at the local and landscape scale. Special themes for the 2012 symposium are cultivation and establishment of Atlantic White Cedar biodiversity of AWC ecosystems. 

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