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Home Resources Events Assisted Migration: A Primer for Reforestation and Restoration Decision Makers

Assisted Migration: A Primer for Reforestation and Restoration Decision Makers

  • Symposium
When February 21, 2013
Where Portland, OR
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Silviculturists, land managers, restoration professionals, and seed and seedling producers deal with challenging and changing environmental and economic conditions. Adding to the perplexity of management decisions is the emerging field of assisted migration (aka managed relocation), the human-assisted movement of plants in response to predicted future climates. Assisted migration has implications for transferring plant materials, whether those materials are for maximum timber production, wildland rehabilitation, or conservation of endangered flora. This one-day symposium is intended to serve as a primer to introduce participants to the terminology, schools of thought, and potential scenarios introduced by climate models across ecological and social scales.

The symposium will be held at the World Forestry Center, http://www.worldforestry.org/, Portland, OR.

To view the presentations that were recorded during this symposium, click here.