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Home Resources Events 7th Eastern Native Grass Symposium - Native Grasses on Working and Natural Landscapes

7th Eastern Native Grass Symposium - Native Grasses on Working and Natural Landscapes

The Eastern Native Grass Symposium features a special emphasis on working landscapes that will include sessions on biofuels, ecosystem restoration, forage, seed production/landscaping, land reclamation (mines, landfills, etc.) wildlife management and other topics of interest for native grasses in the eastern United States and Canada. Several field trips are being planned to sites in East Tennessee that will include the recently completed cellulosic biofuels production facility, the first of its kind in the United States, associated biomass production fields (switchgrass), forage production fields, the largest oak savannah restoration project east of the Mississippi, a pine savannah restoration site, wildlife management areas, and more.

  • Symposium
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Where Knoxville, TN
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