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Home Resources Events 4th World Conference on Ecological Restoration / 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration International

4th World Conference on Ecological Restoration / 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Ecological Restoration International

The Mayans, renowned for their architectural, artistic, mathematical, and scientific achievements, left us a series of gigantic stone monuments and pyramids with precise astrological computations that reflect their understanding of the symbiotic relationship between the earth and the cosmos, and which many have interpreted as prophecies.

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Where Merida, Mexico
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The Mayans believed that these celestial cycles coincided with the development of our collective consciousness, and that the movements of the heavenly bodies exert influences upon the earth’s biosphere. As we approach the last year of the present great cycle (3113 BC – 2012 AD) and enter the “Age of the Fifth Sun”, the planetary alignment on December 21, 2012 forecasts major shifts in our evolution that afford us tremendous opportunities for the renewal and restoration of harmony between nature and culture.

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