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Home Resources Events 35th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference

35th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference

Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (SFTIC) has met biannually for 70 years to exchange information and to discuss current research and future needs for forest tree breeding. The Forest Health Research and Education Center and the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources and Forestry Extension at the University of Kentucky, in cooperation with the Southern Forest Tree Improvement Committee, are proud to host the 35th biennial meeting of SFTIC in Lexington, Kentucky.

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Where Lexington, KY
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This SFTIC is designed to bring together those actively engaged in applying genetics and genomics to improve tree breeding practices for enhanced genetic gain in adaptive and productivity traits. A particular focus this year will be genetic and improvement of traits providing resistance and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, including insect and disease resistance and tolerance to drought and extreme temperatures.

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