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Home Resources Events 2018 EASTERN SEED ZONE SUMMIT


The Eastern Seed Zone Summit will bring together a diverse group of forestry and natural resource professionals to develop terminology that describes the origins of seed in the eastern US applicable to and useful for practitioners in many fields.

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Where Lexington, KY
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May 9-10, 2018 - Good Barn Facility, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Cost: $60 - covers breakfast and lunch for both days

Registration:  Click Here

(Please indicate on the form if you need a ride to/from Good Barn and the hotel.)

About the meeting: The Eastern Seed Zone Summit will bring together a diverse group of forestry and natural resource professionals to develop terminology that describes the origins of seed in the eastern US applicable to and useful for practitioners in many fields. The Summit will be the culmination of work done in 2017 by the Eastern Seed Zone Forum (ESZF), a wide assortment of people interested in the collection, production, storage and deployment of the seeds of trees and native plants led by employees of the USDA Forest Service from all three deputy areas: National forest system (NFS), Research and Development and State and Private Forestry. The focus will be on trees and plants used for reforestation or restoration plantings. Forestry and natural resource professionals from federal and state agencies, botanical gardens, universities, NGOs, private companies, and Extension agents are encouraged to attend.

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