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Home Resources Events 2013 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting

2013 Intertribal Nursery Council Annual Meeting

2013 marks the 13th annual Intertribal Nursery Council (INC) mee􀆟ng and 11th annual INC nursery training workshop. We are pleased to announce this year’s gathering will be hosted jointly by the Western Forestry & Conserva- 􀆟on Nursery Associa􀆟on and the White Mountain Apache Tribe. The event will be held September 10‐11, in Pinetop, Arizona.

  • Conference
When to
Where Pinetop, Arizona
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Contact Phone 1 (888) 722-9416
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View the announcement here (PDF document).

Tour and Dinner

Tours will be Tuesday afternoon (September 10) and will include a visit to the White Mountain Apache Tribal Forestry. Nursery and a visit to the Apache Cultural Center and Museum. A traditional-style dinner from the host tribe will follow later in the evening. 

Nursery Training Workshop

Since the publication of the USDA Agricultural Handbook 730, Nursery Manual for Native Plants: A Guide for Tribal Nurseries, the INC has initated the teaching of Nursery Training Modules taken directly from the manual. These modules cover content from the publication’s individual chapters, in addition to the latest information available since publication. This year’s modules will cover Water Quality and Irrigation and possibly another topic TBD; the modules will be taught Wednesday morning.

A Call for Presentations

The INC hosts are seeking a few more speakers for this year’s annual meeting. In the past, presentation topics included overviews or updates from tribal nurseries, restoration efforts using native plants, native plant research projects, and conservation education efforts. If you or someone you know would like to present a topic, please contact Jeremy as soon as possible. Presentations will be held Tuesday and Wednesday morning (September 10 and 11). Presenters will have the opportunity to publish their presentations as papers in the National Nursery Proceedings, a USDA Forest Service publication.

Travel Grants

The USDA Forest Service has secured grant money to help pay travel and registration costs for individuals attending the INC nursery meeting. A limited number of grants are available and will be awarded to students and tribes with limited or no travel funds. Priority will be given to those tribes that have nurseries, or are in the planning stages of nursery development. Contact Jeremy to have a grant application sent to you.

Location and Lodging

Activities and lodging will take place Tuesday and Wednesday at the Hon-Dah Resort Casino in Pinetop, Arizona

(located at 777 Arizona 260). A limited number of reduced rate rooms are available by mentioning the "Tribal Nursery Meeting." Discounted rates start at $89/night (tax included); call 800-929-8744 for reservations. Discounted rates expire August 28.