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Home Resources Events Optimizing Seedling Production, Nursery Marketing, and Outplanting Success - Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association annual meeting

Optimizing Seedling Production, Nursery Marketing, and Outplanting Success - Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association annual meeting

  • Meeting
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Where Denver, CO
Contact Name
Contact Phone 503-808-2349
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The annual WFCNA meeting will cover topics of interest to nurseries and field personnel who work with plants for reforestation, conservation, and restoration. The two-day event will include formal presentations as well as field tours and a BBQ dinner at the Denver Botanic Gardens. 

NOTE: This meeting will be followed by an IPM workshop on August 18th that will include presentations on pest management issues affecting nurseries as well as reforestation and restoration sites. Pesticide applicator credits will be offered.

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