Tropical Plant Photos
RNGR has partnered with J.B. Friday, University of Hawaii, Cooperative Extension, who has many tropical photos available to view online, via Flickr.

Photographs of indigenous and endemic Hawaiian plants.

Tropical forest tree nurseries in the Pacific and Southeast Asia.

Agroforestry systems in the tropics.

Pests and diseases affecting forests, agroforests, and forestry and conservation nurseries in Hawai'i and the Pacific.

Native, naturalized, and agroforestry plants of American Samoa.

Plants of Chuuk (Truk), Micronesia, both native and non-native.

Plants of Guam, native and non-native.

Plants of Kosrae, Micronesia, both native and introduced.

Native, naturalized, and agroforestry trees and plants of Palau.

Plants of Pohnpei, Micronesia, both native and introduced.

Plants of Rota Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas.

Plants of Yap, Micronesia, both native and non-native.
Guam/Marianas Native Flora Photos by Lauren Gutierrez who was mentored by Agnes Rinehart, co-author of Trees and Shrubs of the Northern Mariana Islands.