Tropical Links

The project’s goal is to help nurseries reduce energy, resource inputs and greenhouse gas emissions while achieving greater economic efficiency and profitability. Various tools and resources are offered at this website including the 2010 publication: Best Management Practices for Climate Friendly Nurseries

This UMass site has many grower resources - covering everything from how to calibrate fertilizer, to a review of pest management options, to irrigation techniques, and more.

The GPEPP is a program dedicated to preventing the extinction of Guam’s rarest plant species that have fewer than 200 individuals remaining in the wild by working with conservation partners to protect wild populations, preserve their genes off-site, and reintroduce plants to their natural habitats.

This website includes a wide variety of useful tropical forestry information including details about tree species, research projects, workshops, videos, publications, and more.

Information on propagation techniques for selected indigenous and endemic plants; includes propagation by seeds or spores, division, air layers, grafting, or tissue culture

The Native Plant Network includes a searchable database of propagation protocols for numerous plant species; growers are encouraged to upload protocols of species they successfully grow.

The goal of this journal is to provide technical and practical information on the growing and planting of native plants for restoration, conservation, reforestation, landscaping, roadsides, and so on. Issues of the journal are posted online and can be searched by author or keywords.

The Native Seed Network is a program of the Institute for Applied Ecology dedicated to increasing awareness about native plants and providing information about how to select and use the right seed for your project. The network features a searchable database of native seed vendors, information about released plant materials (such as cultivars), articles about restoration genetics, and species lists and recommendations for many ecoregions of the U.S.

This website is provide general information on propagation methods and topics including seeds, cuttings, division, grafting, layering, bulbs, corms, rhizomes, offsets, and runners.