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The Forest Service National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources (RNGR) is a leading source of technical information for nurseries and land managers regarding production and planting of trees and other native plants for reforestation, restoration, and conservation.

NPN Protocol Details Image

Ptelea (trifoliata)

Charles Barreca
Manager of Stewardship and Research
Duke Farms Foundation
1112 Dukes Parkway West
Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844

Family Scientific Name: Ptelea trifoliata
Family Common Name: Wafer Ash/Common Hoptree/Stinking Ash
Scientific Name: Ptelea trifoliata
Common Synonym: Ptelea trifoliata
Common Name: Wafer Ash/Common Hoptree/Stinking Ash
Species Code: PTTR
Propagation Goal: Plants
Propagation Method: Seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Stock Type: 5" plug
Time To Grow: 9 months
Target Specifications: Root System: Firm root plug in container to develop into larger stock.
Propagule Collection: Seeds collected in November when seeds were a mix of green/brown
Propagule Processing: Seeds dried indoors at room temp before being placed in paper bags and stored at 40F.
Pre-Planting Treatments: Seed was placed in ziplock bags with damp coarsely torn sphagnum moss and placed in 40C cooler for 5 months.

After 5 months (or when radicles visibly emerge from seed), remove seeds from bag and sow in bottom of either a perforated 1020 flat tray or a 13x17x3 nursery flat, cover moss-seed mixture with damp seed germination mix and leave in greenhouse with temps between 50-70F till emergence of cotyledon.


Alternatively seed can be sown right away after drying in a flat (1020 type or a 13x17x3 nursery flat) with a damp seed germination mix and be left outdoors in a sheltered area such as an unheated high tunnel or cold frame. Seed flat must be kept sheltered from rodents as they will disturb and eat seeds. Seedlings will emerge within 5-6 months.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Container for stratification and germination used 1020 flats, 13x17x3 HC Companies nursery flat with Lambert LM-1 seed germination mix used. Sphagnum moss used was Mosser Lee long fiber sphagnum moss, torn coarsely (finer milled sphagnum may work better for separating roots from media without root damage during transplanting).

Containers for transplanting germinated seed are 38 cell 5" seedling trays with Promix BK25 soil mix.

Greenhouse is a heated and ventilated glass greenhouse, with shade applied to glass exterior in March to avoid spikes in temperature (temp is held 50 at night and 70 during day). Exterior of greenhouse/nursery area are propagation tables and weed barrier cloth setups with overhead irrigation.

Hoophouse/hightunnel used for outdoor stratification is a poly-film high tunnel with forced air vents that open at temps above 50F during late fall to early spring months to avoid spikes in heat during sunny days.

Irrigation is done with dramm misting wands while in greenhouse while outdoors irrigation is rainfall and netafim overhead sprinklers for supplemental irrigation.
Establishment Phase: For either stratification method used, seedlings can be transplanted to plug trays once seedlings are sturdy enough to be manipulated (usually ). Please note that seedling roots may become entangled in sphagnum moss fibers (if fibers aren't milled small enough) and roots of seedlings may perforate wings of adjacent seeds if seeds are stuck together when initially sown in the trays.
Length of Establishment Phase: 3-5 weeks
Active Growth Phase: Transplanted seedling are placed outside on benches under 40% shadecloth and irrigated. Plants get 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer solution once ever 1.5 months. Weeding is done periodically if weeds become an issue.
Length of Active Growth Phase: 2-3 months
Hardening Phase: Plants are maintained under shadecloth with irrigation as needed into September/October, most seedlign will be 4-6" tall at this point. Plants are placed in high tunnel with plastic film and thermostat controlled vents that activate at above 50F for the winter in December.
Length of Hardening Phase: 2-3 months


Barreca, Charles T. 2020. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Ptelea trifoliata Plants 5" plug; Duke Farms Foundation Hillsborough, New Jersey. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2024/09/26). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.